Please check the FAQs below before contacting us.
We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
Frequently asked questions:
I donated on Good Friday but I don’t have my receipt yet
We are working through all the generous donations at the moment.
Email receipts have been sent, so please check your junk folder.
Hard copy receipts from donations made on Good Friday will be posted out by Friday 5 April.
I made a Pledge on Good Friday but I haven’t received my Pledge Letter yet
Emailed pledge letters have been sent, please check your junk folder.
Hard copy pledge letters have been mailed and should be received by Monday 8th April.
There is a mistake on my tax receipt, what do I do?
Please email us at contact@goodfridayappeal.com.au and we will rectify it for you and send you an updated tax receipt.
I would like to fulfill my pledge – how can I do this?
You can pay your pledge in any of the following ways- please make sure you quote your pledge number so that we know who the payment is coming from and can match it to your pledge.
You can make a direct transfer to our account online or at a NAB or Australia Post Branch.
For online deposit use PayID: 69084797965 (i.e. our ABN) which will display our Account Name: Royal Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal Limited
For cash deposits at a NAB or Australia Post Branch please call our office on 03 9292 1166 for our BSB/Account Number.
Call us – You can pay over the phone by calling our office 03 9292 1166 and use your credit card.
Online – you can visit our donation page and in the comments section please tell us your pledge number so that we can match your payment to the pledge.
How can I donate to the Good Friday Appeal?
Thanks for your support! You can donate online here or by calling our office on 03 9292 1166 before and after Good Friday. On Good Friday the telethon phone lines will be open from 9am and close at 11pm – 1300 277 325. (1300 Appeal)
I have fundraised for the Appeal at work/a school/etc. How can I donate?
Thanks so much for your support! You can transfer funds into our account:
You can make a direct transfer to our account online or at a NAB or Australia Post Branch.
For online deposit use PayID: 69084797965 (i.e. our ABN) which will display our Account Name: Royal Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal Limited
For cash deposits at a NAB or Australia Post Branch please call our office on 03 9292 1166 for our BSB/Account Number.
Reference: Please include your name, school or company name as the reference. You can also email us at contact@goodfridayappeal.com.au to let us know you have donated directly into the bank account.
Where does the money raised go?
Funds raised through the Good Friday Appeal go towards supporting medical research, equipment, and patient care in children’s hospitals. Find out more here.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, all tax deductible gifts over $2 to registered Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR) can be taken off your taxable income for the year. A DGR is a recognised, registered, and endorsed charity in the eyes of the ATO.
All kinds of donations are tax deductible, including:
- One-off donations
- Monthly or other regular donations
- Donations to appeals
- Corporate sponsorships
If your donation is from a collection of people, you will be sent a community contribution letter. This form of donation is not tax deductible.
Who won the Fundraising Incentive prizes?
This year the Good Friday Appeal offered a number of prizes as incentives for fundraisers to sign up online and start fundraising. Below are the details of these prize winners:
- Competition name: Early Bird Draw
- Prize: $500 Bunnings Voucher
- Draw date: 19/03/25
- Winner first name & suburb: Daniela, Manor Lakes
Thank you to everyone who has fundraised for us in 2025.
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
If you are not able to email please call 03 9292 1166. If we are unable to answer, please leave a message and we will respond to your message as soon as we can.
Thank you for your understanding.
Good Friday Appeal
PO Box 14744
Melbourne VIC 8001