2020 Good Friday Appeal Final Total
Thanks to our incredible community, the 2020 Good Friday Appeal final total is $18,200,000.
The Good Friday Appeal is blown away by the generosity of the Victorian community who successfully raised funds for The Royal Children’s Hospital, even during these challenging times.
The Good Friday Appeal is proud to announce that the 2020 final total is $18,200,000.
The final total is a combination of the hard work of hundreds of thousands of Victorian fundraisers and a significant contribution by the Victorian Government, which was announced by Premier Dan Andrews during Channel 7’s Good Friday Appeal special.
Executive Director of the Good Friday Appeal Anne Randall said, “The total is something all Victorians should be proud of, especially under such trying circumstances. It is incredible to see the community continuing to rally together – virtually – and raise funds for children in need. We are grateful for people who have held a fundraiser, donated online, purchased a raffle ticket or tuned into the Channel 7 one-hour special. Every cent, no matter how large or small, will go a long way in ensuring that The Royal Children’s Hospital remains a world-class hospital.
“We extend our deepest thanks to all of our fundraising partners for their extraordinary contribution and the Country Fire Authority which has taken the iconic purple Good Friday Appeal collection tin online to run a virtual tin shake across regional Australia. In addition we especially thank the Victorian Government for contributing to the Appeal to ensure that it exceeded last year’s total.
“Whilst it has not been the Good Friday Appeal that we planned, the health and wellbeing of the community is our number one priority. This year we have seen the very best of all Victorians to ensure that the Good Friday Appeal carries on, no matter what the circumstances.
“With everything that is happening in the world at the moment, one thing won’t change and that is the commitment we all have to kids’ health. It’s really heartening to see how valued the Royal Children’s Hospital is and how we all want it to always be the best it can be.”
Funds from this year’s Good Friday Appeal will go towards patient and family-centred care; equipment and technology; research and leadership; & education and training.
Since 1931 the Good Friday Appeal has now contributed more than $381 million to the Royal Children’s Hospital.
The Royal Children’s Hospital general staff, specialists, doctors and nurses deliver awe-inspiring work each and every day for the community. This year, they celebrate 150 years of work in supporting families around the nation with world-class care and facilities.
Thank you to Victorians, and beyond, for your support this year!
Published 11 April 2020