The CLARITY Juvenile Arthritis Research Platform

With support from the Good Friday Appeal, The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Department of Rheumatology has established the CLARITY Juvenile Arthritis Research Platform to better understand and treat the disease.

The RCH and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute are home to Australia’s only paediatric rheumatology research program, and the new CLARITY study is set to help translate research findings into practice, improving clinical care for children both locally, nationally and internationally. With the aim of enrolling 250 participants annually, the study will enable new research that aims to identify biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of children with juvenile arthritis.

Photo: RCH Melbourne – Creative Studio Photography
Posted June 2018

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Brain Tumour Clinical Trials

To advance the care, treatment and diagnosis of these patients at the RCH, the Children’s Cancer Centre (CCC) identified the need for a greater enrolment in international clinical trials.

The CCC now has two Clinical Trial Coordinators administering a new clinical trials program aimed at improving overall survival and ongoing quality of life for children with cancer. Though often confused with drug trials, clinical trials are aimed at developing new or improved methods of care. This includes things like:

  • innovative drug therapies,
  • the best combination of procedures to provide more effective, and
  • less toxic treatments for better long-term quality of life.

The launch of the clinical trials programs has allowed for more individualised care for paediatric brain tumour.

Clinical trials are the backbone of careThey provide access to the best level of international care. By participating in them, children at the RCH get the same care as those in big medical centres like New York.”

– Michael Sullivan, Head of Neuro-Oncology and Solid Tumour Programs

Thanks to your generous support, funds from the Good Friday Appeal and the Cancer Crusaders Auxiliary have supported brain tumour clinical trials at The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne.

Posted May 2018

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Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance

Genomic medicine and exploring how it can help young patients is a new research initiative pivotal to contemporary research at The Royal Children’s Hospital.

Genomic medicine is the sequencing and analysis of a person’s genes. By looking at an individual child’s genes, diagnosis and treatment can be tailored to each child.

The Royal Children’s Hospital is a founding member of the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, which brings leading local healthcare, research and academic organisations together to conduct further research.

Their vision is for Victoria to be a world leader in the use of genomics in healthcare.

The Good Friday Appeal is pleased to fund the hospital’s membership to the Alliance, providing an expanded world-wide networks to the hospital’s researchers and clinicians.

Posted November 2016

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Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

As Australia’s largest child health research institute, their work improves the health of millions of children in Australia and around the world each year.

More than 1,900 MCRI researchers are working to find answers to rare and common childhood conditions. This research allows cures, new treatments and medications to be developed for the biggest health problems facing children.


“The support we receive through the Good Friday Appeal helps us achieve great things at MCRI. With your help, we can continue to find cures and prevent illnesses and disease in babies, children and adolescents so they can live long, healthy and fulfilling lives”

– MCRI Director, Professor Kathryn North AM

Thanks to the Good Friday Appeal, MCRI can undertake significant research projects and access cutting-edge technology.

Sharing a campus with The Royal Children’s Hospital means patients have ready access to clinical trials and research, helping to quickly translate research into great care. Many MCRI researchers are also clinicians, which allows them to use their research to solve problems they see in their daily work with children and families.

Posted November 2016

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