Due to the Appeal being just around the corner, we’re unable to send out any more collection containers. But don’t worry—there are still great ways you can fundraise!

Thank you for your incredible support in helping the kids at The Royal Children’s Hospital!

Would you like to make a difference to the lives of sick children? If you have a business or work in a school, we can supply you with a Good Friday Appeal collection container.

We encourage you to keep the container year-round to collect your customers and clients spare change and request a collection and replacement once the tin is full.

Please note: Good Friday Appeal collection containers can only be opened by authorised representatives of the Appeal. Once received, your donations will be counted and a receipt of your contribution will be emailed to you. We are unable to issue Good Friday Appeal containers to individuals.

Information on hosting Collection Containers

Displaying your collection container
We ask that if you intend to place your container in an area with high traffic by the public, that you please either request a ‘Welby’ which has a chain to secure to the container or place your tin in view of your staff.

Pick up and Replacement requests
Once your collection container is full, please contact our office to arrange collection or replacement: Phone: 03 9292 1166
or Email:

Your container will be collected by our official collection agency, Streamcorp, who will display the following identification:

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