Nuclear Medicine SPECT/CT Machine
Thanks to community support through the Good Friday Appeal, The Royal Children’s Hospital is now home to a state of the art Nuclear Medicine SPECT/CT Machine, a first for the children of Victoria.
This combined machine includes a SPECT gamma camera, integrated with a CT scanner, meaning for the first time at The Royal Children’s Hospital, these two different types of images can be taken together during one visit. It’s already having a big impact, supporting patients from across the hospital.
What is SPECT?
SPECT stands for single photon emission computed tomography. With this type of scan, images are taken once a patient has been administered with a radioactive tracer. This tracer is then detected by a SPECT camera, which rotates around a patient’s body to produce a three dimensional image.
What is CT?
CT or computed tomography scans are obtained when an X-ray machine rotates around a patient to provide a three dimensional image of their anatomy.
Duncan Veysey, Deputy Chief Medical Imaging Technologist and Senior Nuclear Medicine/PET Technologist at The Royal Children’s Hospital explained how the combined SPECT/CT Machine is able to take both of these scans at the same time, improving patient care at the hospital.
“The combined machine enables us to overlay these two types of scans. We can use the image taken from the CT scan to identify exactly where the radioactivity displayed in the SPECT image is in a patient’s anatomy,” said Mr Veysey.
For clinicians, these more detailed images mean they can diagnose conditions and recommend a treatment plan with greater certainty and accuracy. Being able to do this is particularly important for patients with complex medical conditions, who require specialised and ongoing care.
“We are fortunate to have this top of the range, flexible model at The Royal Children’s Hospital, and are very thankful to our community of supporters for funding such a vital piece of equipment.”
– Duncan Veysey, Deputy Chief Medical Imaging Technologist and Senior Nuclear Medicine/PET Technologist
Posted December 2016