Pathology Tissue Processors
Kids with cancer and a range of other conditions will benefit from faster and more accurate diagnoses of their conditions.
Thanks to the generous support of the Good Friday Appeal and 3AW’s Neil’s Wheel participants, the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) Lab Services has a new tissue processing machine.
Featuring an upgraded model for preserving tissue samples and a highly specific microtomy device for slicing and setting the samples for analysis, these new technologies will greatly increase the speed an accuracy of processing tissue samples.
For RCH patients, this means faster and more accurate diagnoses and a reduction in need for unnecessary and painful surgeries, with the new ability to do more with smaller tissue samples.
The two parts of the machine have been named ‘Neil’ and ‘Mitchell’ by the RCH Lab Services Team to thank Neil Mitchell, 3AW radio presenter, for his ongoing support of the Hospital.
The 2020 Neil’s Wheel fundraiser raised $213,000 for the Good Friday Appeal to fund this machine.
Posted June 2020