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Meet Georgie

Georgie was born with arthrogryposis, a condition which affects the muscles and tendons, causing them to harden or shorten, preventing normal movement. She spent the first 8 weeks of her life at the NICU at the Mercy Hospital before being transferred to the Royal Children’s Hospital until she was 12 weeks old.

When Georgie was born, she was not able to move any part of her body and had to undergo intense limb reconstructive work and rehabilitation therapy. Now, she has finished her knee reconstructions and is running around in her walker!

Georgie uses both a manual and electric wheelchair, and has started weekly dancing, swimming and horse riding classes. She has also progressed to feeding herself.

A huge thank you goes out to Georgie’s orthopaedic and plastics teams, they’ve all worked so hard together to help her thrive. Georgie has daily physiotherapy sessions that can be challenging, but being the strong and determined girl she is, she always shows up and tries her absolute hardest.

Thank you to Georgie’s mum, Whitney, for sharing her story with the Good Friday Appeal.

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